Garret Cooney
Jul 22, 2019
Garret's Recap - Week 7
This is it! The final week of the REEU internship. This week’s focus will be working hard and working quickly to finish our research and...

Mia Craig
Jul 22, 2019
Mia's Soliloquy - Week 7
Last week was a big one for my partner Avery and I. We split off majority of our work again to cover more ground for our research. While...

Taylor Hayes
Jul 15, 2019
Taylor’s Recap - Week 6
Week 6 is officially over and this week was definitely the busiest so far. Saturday, a group of us went to Chicago for the weekend. We...

Reece Ehret
Jul 15, 2019
Reece’s Recap - Week 6
I am exhausted from this week! From the Purdue Athletes Life Success (PALS) event at the Celery Bog to grinding out data collection, I am...

Mia Craig
Jul 15, 2019
Mia’s Soliloquy - Week 6
Last week my partner and I finished collecting our data and now we are analyzing it. We went and retrieved the 25 camera traps, and the...

Magdalena Ramos
Jul 15, 2019
Maggie's Recap - Week 6
We are nearing the end of week 6. I am especially excited because we have one deployment left! Next week, Tuesday, we are set to deploy...

Mae Watson
Jul 15, 2019
Mae's Recap - Week 6
This week was a mixture of extension work and research work for the Herps group. On Monday, Maggie and I put our extension game into...

Jennifer Gilbert
Jul 15, 2019
Jenny's Recap - Week 6
Week 6 is over, leaving only a quarter of the REEU Program left to experience. Much like the entire summer, this past week was full of...

Garret Cooney
Jul 15, 2019
Garret's Recap - Week 6
The REEU internship has only two weeks left, and I am left wondering where the time has gone. There’s only one week for us to finish data...

Emily Tauber
Jul 15, 2019
Emily’s Recap - Week 6
Week 6 was a mix of extension and research related things. We started the week off with the PALS event, where Jenny and I taught the kids...

Avery Cook
Jul 15, 2019
Avery's Recap - Week 6
This week was BUSY! On Monday we had PALS which is a summer camp experience for inner-city kids in West Lafayette. We went to Celery Bog...

Alyssa Cepeda
Jul 15, 2019
Alyssa's Recap - Week 6
For this week, we had presented our extension projects at PALS and Riverfest. It was a really interesting experience. I have had...

Megan L. Gunn
Jul 15, 2019
Recap of Week 6
The outreach events were an ABSOLUTE success! From learning to adapt their games and activities to various age groups and adjusting as...

Mae Watson
Jul 8, 2019
Week 5 Flying High- Mae
Week 5 has been my favorite week of our internship so far. This week started off with a bang when on Sunday Taylor, Jenny and I went on a...

Avery Cook
Jul 8, 2019
Avery's Recap - Week 5
We are over halfway through the program! So this week we worked on our extension project for the PALS event and Riverfest. Mia and I have...

Jennifer Gilbert
Jul 8, 2019
Jenny's Recap - Week 5
Another great week has wrapped up here in the REEU 2019 summer internship. Week 5 was full of various extension activities, lessons,...

Magdalena Ramos
Jul 8, 2019
Maggie's Recap - Week 5
My birthday was June 30. A Sunday. So, I didn’t celebrate with everyone at Martell. Instead, Megan made me chocolate cupcakes, and...

Reece Ehret
Jul 8, 2019
Reece's Recap - Week 5
This week of the REEU was preparation for the extension component of the program. To help us prepare for our upcoming extension events,...

Taylor Hayes
Jul 8, 2019
Taylor's Recap - Week 5
This week we worked on our extension projects. We had to come up with activities for PALS and Riverfest. We also had our second set of...

Alyssa Cepeda
Jul 8, 2019
Creativity & Extension: Alyssa’s Recap - Week 5
For this week, we spent a lot of time doing things we don’t usually do. We worked on our outreach/extension projects for the PALS event...