Alexis Lyons: Week 8 Recap

I’ve learned that work in natural resources can be long, complicated, and sometimes frustrating. However, this is exactly where I want to be. As a kid, I knew I wanted to work with wildlife and that Purdue is where I wanted to go to pursue that goal. I get up everyday knowing that I will eventually be making a difference in the world by advocating for the environment.
I’ve learned a lot through this program, not only about research but about myself as well. For my wildlife major, I’ve taken a lot of classes that helped prepare me for the work this internship required of me. However, now I’m even more familiar with the research process. There were times where we hit snags and got frustrated, but that’s just how research is sometimes, especially when the research period is so short. While I could certainly commit to research as a career choice, I learned I would be unsatisfied in this sector long-term. I was the happiest during this internship when we were educating the high school students. Creating lesson plans and connecting with the students about things I’m passionate about was my favorite part.
This internship has provided me experience for future career opportunities by preparing me to stand on my own in a research setting, be adaptable when there are fast deadlines and little wiggle room, and solve problems in tense situations. I believe those skills will help me as I move forward to pursue a career in environmental education and extension. I am so grateful to have been given this opportunity and I’m also very thankful for the friends I’ve made along the way. Thank-you for following my journey!