- Garret Cooney
Garret's Recap - Week 6
The REEU internship has only two weeks left, and I am left wondering where the time has gone. There’s only one week for us to finish data collection and then for the final week it’s time to analyze, write, and present. I am hopeful that Alyssa and I’s project will be finished in time, and that we may even come to some interesting conclusions from what we’ve found.
Apart from working on our research projects this week, we all got to get some practice with extension! We got to test our extension games on Monday with the PALS program and had the chance to teach children about natural resources. While I dreaded it at first, and it was frustrating in some ways, working with children was a lot of fun and went by more quickly than I expected. We also got to interact with locals at the Wabash Riverfest and reach out to an even broader audience with extension. This was also a very fun and rewarding experience, although it was a challenge to try and convey a message in the brief seconds to minutes that a guest would stop by. Conveying those messages is very important in natural resources, however, and I’m interested in doing more extension work in the future.
While I am anxious about having the entire project finished in time, I’m going into the next week feeling hopeful and recharged. I’ve had a fantastic time at this internship and have learned so much, so I’m going to end this internship on a strong note!
The detective sighed and decided to review the security footage one more time.
This case was unusual, unlike anything he’d seen before. It was the suspect.
He was alarmingly short, and only about 25 cm long with a wingspan around 36 cm.
He had a brown back and shoulders, a dark head, and a striking red breast.
And from his bright yellow bill and lilting call would sound, one that reminded the detective of spring mornings.
The detective knew nothing about this guy, no idea of his name, where he’d gone, anything.
All he knew about the suspect was what is was doing in this surveillance tape:
Robin a bank.