Garret Cooney
Jul 8, 2019
Garret's Recap - Week 5
Another week is done and over with, and the internship is flying by faster than I ever expected it to. This week was a bit of a change of...

Mia Craig
Jul 8, 2019
Mia's Soliloquy - Week 5
The last few days have been less harsh than previous ones. This week everyone collectively focused on the extension portion of our...

Emily Tauber
Jul 8, 2019
Emily's Recap - Week 5
Week 5 is over! This past week has been all about extension and outreach, and we’ve all been working on developing some cool games for...

Megan L. Gunn
Jul 8, 2019
Recap of Week 5
This last week was an utter blast. I love research but outreach holds a special place in my heart. I truly believe that we really need to...

Garret Cooney
Jul 3, 2019
Garret's Recap - Week 4
The first round of bird surveys is done! This has been a long week, since Alyssa and I have start bird surveys at around 7am each...

Mia Craig
Jul 2, 2019
Mia's Monologue - Week 4
This past week wasn’t as taxing as last week, but it still required strenuous work (as all field work should). My partner Avery and I...

Avery Cook
Jul 2, 2019
Avery's Recap - Week 4
This week has been veg survey purgatory for the mammals group. We did 25 vegetation surveys this week, moved all of the audio recorders,...

Emily Tauber
Jul 1, 2019
Emily's Recap - Week 4
It is the end of week 4, which means we are half way through the program! How wild is that? I’ve learned so much already and my...

Taylor Hayes
Jul 1, 2019
Taylor's Recap - Week 4
This week we got to spend a lot of time working on our research projects and Reece and I collected data on Indian Creek. Monday we went...

Reece Ehret
Jul 1, 2019
Reece's Recap - Week 4
In the fourth week Taylor and I finally made it out to Indian Creek to sample our three sites. For the creek side of our experiment, we...