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  • Sophia Flores

Sophia Flores: Week 6 Recap

Six weeks down, two more to go! This week I got to listen to several graduate research presentations virtually from a conference that was happening during one of our workdays. I was blown away by how creative the researchers’ visuals were because they were so simple, but also provided enough information to understand the projects. After witnessing these presentations, I’ve learned that visuals can make presentations easier to understand and more aesthetically pleasing to look at. I realized that I need to work on the visual portions of my presentation so it will flow better.

Coby and I have yet to find any herptiles under our cover boards. While this has been our biggest challenge, I think the temperature and humidity loggers will give us some data to analyze and make-up for it. I really hope we can find some salamanders under our cover boards soon because we only have two more days set aside for cover board data collection. We almost started to wonder if there were any salamanders in Martell, but sure enough Coby found a salamander in a stream!

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