Jackson Keesling: Week 3 Recap
Week three was about finally getting our trail cameras placed and starting some vegetation surveys to begin collecting habitat variables. This week was eventful and exciting, as I have been itching to start collecting data for what I believe is going to be a very interesting project. So far our cameras have picked up a lot of one particular raccoon. His name is Barnabas now and he resides near our point MMP2. We also managed to see a turkey and a northern water snake, catch multiple frogs, and encounter more than enough cicadas this week while out surveying. I was glad to be primarily in the field this past week after completing all of the proper training the week prior. This week I also managed to get poison ivy all over my right arm, so I guess I can add that to the list of events that have happened so far this summer. I’m looking forward to revisiting some of our more remote sites next week and looking at the respective photos we capture.
