Alexis Lyons: Week 6 Recap
This week patience was key. Research is sometimes messy and inefficient, and that can be challenging, especially since our internship is so short. As we start finishing up our projects, time management is becoming increasingly important. This past week we had some more complications with our cameras and while we got them fixed, it was still challenging. Soon, we will be compiling all of our data and starting data analysis. I’m looking forward to seeing all of our hard work come to fruition and present our projects to faculty and mentors. A lot of work still needs to be completed before then though!
On the plus side, there hasn’t been a day I haven’t seen any wildlife. On Friday, Angie and I were walking to one of our sites at Martell Forest when we saw a great blue heron in a stream. It flew away when we passed by, but I was astonished. I’d only seen great blue herons at Celery Bog and to see one so close was awe-inspiring. They are so much bigger up close! Angie and I also found a turtle at Celery Bog in front of the bathroom at the Nature Center. We had a little photo op and sent it on its way!