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Recap of Week 7

Megan L. Gunn

Week 7 has finally come to a close. We started the week with a bang and ended the week the same way. With hometowns from all over the US (and beyond), one of my goals was to have our social activities in hotspot locations. So far, we've been to Indianapolis and Chicago and Sunday we made our way to Indiana Dunes, which is now a National Park! We spent the day swimming and hiking and just overall having a blast!

The weekdays consisted of working on their analyses and presentations. We had the opportunity on Wednesday to not only see the premiere of the Global Soundcapes: Mission to Record the Earth, but our mammals group presented on their research (which is focusing on sounds). We also were in charge of the guiding attendees to take pictures in the field camera trap with props but I think we spent more time making funny faces while waiting for the next by passers.

Saturday we had our final social activity at White Rock Park, located in southern Indiana. We jumped off of cliffs, ziplined into the water and floated around all day. Oh, and Garret proposed to his girlfriend. It was excitement all around!

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