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  • Mae Watson

Mae's Recap - Week 7

We are getting closer to the finish line! This past week was full of data analysis for the herp group. It took us quite a few meetings with Dr. Bernal in order to figure out how we will analyze our data. Maggie and I were struggling with the method we were originally going to use; however, we were able to figure out a solution that we could understand. I enjoyed the data analysis section of this project because it enabled me to broaden my experience with statistical analysis tools. We used programs like MYSTAT, R, and Excel to analyze our data. I have never used R or MYSTAT before this project and it was very cool to learn these programs.

This week we also made great headway in making our “finished products”. Our manuscript is coming together extremely well. The presentation has also been a lot of fun to make. The part I am struggling with the most is the poster. This is because I have never made a research poster before and it is hard trying to decide what to include in it. However, Maggie has experience in making posters so we have been relying on each other for support.

group at IMAX premier

One of my favorite parts of this week was when we all went down to Indy to visit the Soundscape Ecology exhibit at the Indiana State Museum. I really enjoyed the interactive video they played for us. In addition, Avery and Mia did a really great job presenting their poster to the crowd.

I am really sad next week is our last week. This internship has been an absolute blast and its going to be very hard to say goodbye to everyone.

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