- Megan L. Gunn
Meet the 2019 REEU Crew!
Hi! My name is Megan Gunn (that's me on the right). I work for the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources (FNR) at Purdue University. I am the project coordinator for a Research Extension and Experiential Learning opportunity for Undergraduates (REEU) that FNR has been funded for the next couple of summers.
10 undergraduates from 5 different institutions are joined by faculty, staff and grad students from the Departments of Forestry and Natural Resources and Biology here at Purdue focusing on research projects related to natural resource sciences.
They selected their topics prior to arriving (e.g. stream ecosystem health, mammals, reptiles and amphibians, birds, herbaceous plants, and trees) and have been working hard to design and develop their projects.
Let's meet them!